
According to this week’s lesson, podcast is any audio file that is embedded in a web page. Having the ability to share audio files at a touch of a button greatly increases the capacity of communication between people. This further enriches the ability of people to participate in the digital world as a digital citizen. It allows people to share ideas, as well as their emotions through the online medium. I think apps like Snapchat and Twitter do a great job at capitalizing on this idea. Twitter focus on one click sharing of text messages while Snapchat focus on one click of image shares. Recently, some companies are beginning to make apps that shares videos. However, I have yet to see one that focus specifically on just sharing voice clips. There is definitely potential to do more.

Tools like SoundCloud allow people to upload audio files. More than that, SoundCloud also provide a platform to let people who do listen to the audio files to provide feedback. This encourages two-way exchange of information between the speaker and the listener. I was looking forward to seeing what Recordmp3.com is like. However, the website is down with error message that says: OverQuotaError: The API call blobstore.CreateUploadURL() required more quota than is available. This error message is the same for Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. I think having tools like these readily available from a reliable provider is very important. It may be better for bigger companies and reliable service companies such as Google and Facebook to take the reins on providing these tools for free. Encouraging contribution of this type increases the participation and collaboration potential for all digital citizens.
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