
Today I used VoiceThread for the first time. After a very simple registration process, I opened the link to the shared powerpoint slide. Immediately on the left side, there are comments already made by people from before. Some made comments on slides with their own voice. Some commented with written text. Other people commented with a video clip they took of themselves as they spoke. Some of these comments seem to be from a while ago, but are as fresh as if they were made today. I think this is a great collaboration and communication tool. For my PLE, I may add it alongside Google Docs, since both are similar in term of its ability to allow multiple users to collaborate and make changes. Unlike Google Docs’s Slides, this tool allows comments to be made, permanently and in different formats. I think this is a great way to provide feedback.
Fan, L. (CC) 2015.  

For example, a classroom may have group presentations in PowerPoint. Google Docs can be used to create the presentation collaboratively. After the presentation is created, VoiceThread can be used to elicit feedbacks from students in other groups. This way, students can help each other in making their presentations better. Other students can also provide suggestions, feedbacks, thoughts, and discussions on the subject. The students making the slides can then use the feedback to make their slides better, more informative, and at the same time, gaining knowledge from other students in the same classroom using this tool. It is a way to learn from each other in a two way communication kind of way, instead of the one way presentation if they were only to present their powerpoint slide.
URL for the VoiceThread:

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