Sunday, January 25, 2015

$$ Week 2 Thoughts & Reflections

PersonalIn 5-10 years time, I envision myself to be a tech savvy full time employee making effective and easy to understand visual reports. I would like my workplace to be anywhere that has little traffic. Describing myself now, I am starting to make visual reports at my part time jobs, and school placement work. The traffic isn't very bad, but I have yet graduated and found full time work. 
LearningTo get to where I want to be, I must learn different variety of digital tools to expand my capacity in making better visuals and informative reports. I will need search tools, such as Google, to find information. I also need capture tools, such as Paint, to capture information. I will also need compiling tools, such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint, to put information together into reports. Sometimes, I would also need editing tools, such as Adobe Photoshop, to edit and create visuals from the information I gather. EnvironmentTo adapt my environment to learn better, without adding effort, I have cleared up my work desk to reduce distractions. In the future I intent to adopt more digital tools, such as Wordle, to better organize information and present them. Currently, I have adopted using Pinterest,, Google, and Sakai in gathering learning information for this class. I use Microsoft Powerpoint as a medium of converting text and images to edit in Paint and Adobe Photoshop. To compile assignments or reports, I use Word, and exports to PDF that can be viewed with Adobe PDF.                             Fan, L. (CC) 2015.                              Word CloudI have seen these visuals before, made of words. Sometimes the words are colored; sometimes they are of different shades of the same color. I never knew what they were called until this week. Word Cloud is an amazing way to not only express information, but to also make sense of information, amplify certain key points, and bring attention to the content with a new perspective. I learned that this tool can definitely do all of this and enrich my learning experience. See below for my Word Cloud made by Wordle!  Fan, L. (CC) 2015. 

As you can see above, I decided on capital letters for a font. It is a summary of everything I have written in the Week 1 Blog. I realized that the words I used are a lot more related to the mind than I would have thought. This may be because of my background in Public Health, where mental health and well being are an important aspect of today's healthcare priority. The words "world" and "voluntary" also resonates with my belief in personal choice and my dream of world peace. I realize that a person's writing can indeed speak a lot about their personality, beliefs and attitudes. Wordle is indeed an important tool to use. I think this could also be important in the human resources field as well, to learn more about a potential employee.

I have also learned from feedback, that having the right copyright caption is very important. I hope I did it right here in this week’s blog! By the way, it’s almost the end of January! Can you believe it?! What are you planning to do for reading week?

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