Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Report & Reflection blog post # 10

Instead of Animoto, I used Photo Peach to create my slideshow. The subject of the slide show is on Fair Dealing in relation to copyright issues. After finding about 8 images, I registered an account on Photo Peach. The registration process is very easy. It requires a username, password and an email. No verification was needed. The first step is to upload pictures from the computer. I did all of the references for images in writing. Afterward, I copy pasted the references into a paint document, and saved it as an image. This image is then added onto the slideshow at the end to give credit to the source of the images.
Fan, L. (CC) 2015.  

Photo Peach has the amazing feature of embedding music within the video slideshow. It also allows you to click on each slide to custom edit what is said for that slide. A slide bar allows you to adjust how slowly or fast you want that slide to move. Moreover, transition effects and animation effects are applied onto the slides and images for you. This tool is amazing in its ability to save you time and in making a visually appealing video. After finishing the video, I saw that there are ways to share it on social media. More impressively, it has an option to embed the video into a website. After copy pasting the embed codes, I embedded it onto the top right corner of my blog. This can also be done on personal websites that allows html as well. I also noticed that at the end of the video play, watchers of the video can type in and submit comments to the video. This is a very useful automatic feedback system built into the video. More than just allowing the video to play, this tool makes it possible for audiences to provide collaborative feedback and channel two way communications between the creator and the viewers. I will definitely use Photo Peach for future projects!

Fan, L. (CC) 2015.  

Fan, L. (CC) 2015.  

Tools such as Photo Peach can be used by people who do not have a lot of computer background to create memorizing videos and share them through many internet mediums. Photo Peach contributed to my work in building knowledge by providing an audio and visual alternative in storing knowledge I have gained. Photo Peach is different than other collaborative communication tools in that it changes completely the type of media that is being organized. Not only does it allow customized comments on images and slides, it allows for a mixing of different types of media presented in a final video format. I will be adding this to my PLE under curation tools. Unlike other curation tools, this one mixes media and makes them into a video with music. After reading all about Fair Dealing and copyright this week, I am learning a lot about the reasons behind copyright exceptions. It is to facilitate and encourage digital citizenship for those who are low in digital literacy.
Fan, L. (CC) 2015.  


Big Brother Canada was on the news this week. Like many reality shows, Big Brother uses live feed cameras to record activities engaged by the participants of the Big Brother House. More than just a TV show, interactive forum, comment pages and online websites are created where the audience of the show can engage in communication with each other, vote with each other, and provide feedback with each other. This feel like a digital citizenship exists within the Big Brother online community. I think this social tv show has some very interesting use of the internet in engaging its audiences and encouraging digital participation. Perhaps, something similar could be done for a class one day.

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